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Super Bowl MVP Odds

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Super Bowl MVP odds are always one of the most exciting longshot bets you can make. State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, will host the 2023 Super Bowl, featuring a full roster of deserving players ready to give their best on the field.

We know this is a quarterback league and that things look at least a little bleak for anyone not named Josh Allen, Tom Brady, or Aaron Rodgers, but that's where the fun begins.

Non-quarterbacks are no longer entirely on the outside looking in due to a recent trend. This opens the window to lock in an unsuspecting player now as your bet for the Super Bowl MVP odds.

But before going deep into the Super Bowl MVP Odds futures, set your Betphoenix account for you to be ready to do your Super Bowl MVP betting. Surely you want the greatest lines, the best betting experience, the most popular prop bets, and the best sign-up bonuses... Betphoenix gives you all that and more.

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What position Has won the Most Super Bowl MVPs?

The MVP of a Super Bowl is the most honored player in NFL history. The player who shined the brightest on the world's biggest stage is forever a legend. 

It shouldn't be surprising that quarterbacks dominate Super Bowl MVP awards. After all, the signal-caller is the most important position and is usually called upon to lead the team to championships. Of the 56 Super Bowls, 31 quarterbacks have won the award.

But 31 out of 56 MVPs being quarterbacks means 26 have been in other positions. Most recently, Cooper Kupp of the Los Angeles Rams won the award as a receiver after hauling 92 receiving yards and two touchdowns. Kupp became the eighth Wide receiver to be named MVP after other players like Jerry Rice and Julian Edelman. A few more discreet MVPs are receivers Deion Branch (2005) and Santonio Holmes (2009).

Running backs have won the award 7 times but haven't done so since 1998 (Terrell Davis). Defensively, 10 players have been honored as the league's MVP. In contrast, only 1 special team player has won the Super Bowl MVP, and it goes to Desmond Howard after returning a kickoff 99 yards for a score in Super Bowl XXXI, the longest return in Super Bowl history. 

Who has been named Super Bowl MVP the most times?

We've looked down the history of the Super Bowl MVP honor, and the most-awarded player isn't a surprise.

Yes, Tom Brady is the right answer. The GOAT has won more Super Bowl MVP awards than any other player. He has won 7 rings and 5 Super Bowl MVPs in his career.

Five players have won this award more than once. All of them are quarterbacks. 

Here's a list of them:

  • Tom Brady with 5. Won 4 with the New England Patriots and 1 with Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
  • Joe Montana with 3, all with the San Francisco 49ers
  • Bart Starr 2 with Green Bay Packers
  • Terry Bradshaw 2 with Pittsburg Steelers
  • Eli Manning 2 with New York Giants

Curious note: Eli Manning's Super Bowl MVP awards came against Brady, the undisputed king of Super Bowl MVPs.

As of February 2021, all of the Super Bowl MVP winners from the last ten years are still playing, so they still have a chance of winning a second and joining this even more exclusive club. Patrick Mahomes won the Super Bowl MVP award for the first time in his second season as a starting quarterback. He could keep adding to his total for a decade or more.

Who won Super Bowl 56 MVP?

The MVP award is usually given to the quarterback, but this was an opportunity to buck the trend. Rams Wide Receiver Cooper Kupp was named the Super Bowl 56 MVP after stepping up big in the final game-winning drive. Kupp earned the Big Game honors and cashed in at (+600) odds to win Most Valuable Player.

Kupp hauled 8 catches, 92 yards, and 2 TDs (including game-winning score with 1:25 left) in a 23-20 victory over the Bengals on Sunday, February 13, 2022, at SoFi Stadium, Inglewood, California.

for the Super Bowl LVI MVP Odds were released, with quarterbacks Matthew Stafford (+100) leading the pack, followed by Joe Burrow (+225) as the favorites. Cooper Kupp was the 3rd on the list to win the MVP at (+600)

According to Vegas, Kupp was one of the most popular picks. He attracted more than 11% of the audience and over 10% of the total take in the Super Bowl MVP market. A $100 bet on him paid $600 bucks.

Who won Super Bowl 55 MVP?

The only player with 4 Super Bowl MVPs added another to his count in his first year with Tampa Bay. Tom Brady took the highest honor for an NFL-record fifth time as he won Super Bowl MVP in Super Bowl 55. 

To no surprise, both quarterbacks, Patrick Mahomes (+100) and Tom Brady, were the favorites to win the Super Bowl 55 MVP, followed by two Kansas City Chiefs playmakers, wide receiver Tyreke Hill (+900) and tight end Travis Kelce (+1000).

Super Bowl MVP Past Winners.

Super Bowl - MVP Winner - Position - Team

56 Cooper Kupp WR Rams

55 Tom Brady QB Buccaneers

54 Patrick Mahomes QB Chiefs

53 Julian Edelman WR Patriots

52 Nick Foles QB Eagles

51 Tom Brady QB Patriots

50 Von Miller LB Broncos

49 Tom Brady QB Patriots

48 Malcolm Smith LB Seahawks

47 Joe Flacco QB Ravens

46 Eli Manning QB Giants

45 Aaron Rodgers QB Packers

44 Drew Brees QB Saints

43 Santonio Holmes WR Steelers

42 Eli Manning QB Giants

41 Peyton Manning QB Colts

40 Hines Ward WR Steelers

39 Deion Branch WR Patriots

38 Tom Brady QB Patriots

37 Dexter Jackson CB Buccaneers

36 Tom Brady QB Patriots

35 Ray Lewis LB Ravens

34 Kurt Warner QB Rams

33 John Elway QB Broncos

32 Terrell Davis RB Broncos

31 Desmond Howard KR Packers

30 Larry Brown CB Cowboys

29 Steve Young QB 49ers

28 Emmitt Smith RB Cowboys

27 Troy Aikman QB Cowboys

26 Mark Rypien QB Redskins

25 Ottis Anderson RB Giants

24 Joe Montana QB 49ers

23 Jerry Rice WR 49ers

22 Doug Williams QB Redskins

21 Phil Simms QB Giants

20 Richard Dent DE Bears

19 Joe Montana QB 49ers

18 Marcus Allen RB Raiders

17 John Riggins RB Redskins

16 Joe Montana QB 49ers

15 Jim Plunkett QB Raiders

14 Terry Bradshaw QB Steelers

13 Terry Bradshaw QB Steelers

12 Harvey Martin, Randy White DL Cowboys

11 Fred Biletnikoff WR Raiders

10 Lynn Swann WR Steelers

9 Franco Harris RB Steelers

8 Larry Csonka FB Dolphins

7 Jake Scott SAF Dolphins

6 Roger Staubach QB Cowboys

5 Chuck Howley LB Cowboys

4 Len Dawson QB Chiefs

3 Joe Namath QB Jets

2 Bart Starr QB Packers

1 Bart Starr QB Packers

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