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Super Bowl National Anthem Odds

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Bettors will be looking for star-spangled cash on the Super Bowl National Anthem odds this year as any other one for over a decade here at BetPhoenix Sportsbook. Create your account now and deposit $200 or more to get a Free 150% Free Play with promo code BP150.

Betting on the Super Bowl National Anthem's over/under total is a fun way to spice up the biggest NFL game. This bet option is among the most popular bets yearly. In this bet, you are betting on whether the time it takes to sing the anthem will go OVER or UNDER the time set by the Super Bowl National Anthem Odds.

Though the "Star-Spangled Banner" lines haven't been published, the over/under is typically two minutes. When it comes to the Super Bowl National Anthem, it seems that a lengthy song is the standard practice. Every year from 2013 to 2017, the national anthem was played for longer than 2 minutes. 

Who will sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" at Super Bowl LVII?

The performer for the "The Star-Spangled Banner" National Anthem at Super Bowl 57 will be announced sometime during the final weeks of the NFL season or the Playoffs. Looking at past National Anthem singers, since Super Bowl 50, six of the performers have been females.

Super Bowl 57 National Anthem Odds and Prop Bets

Prop betting on Super Bowl LVII is very popular. The singing of the national anthem will be one of the most popular sets of props. These bets are designed to keep bettors interested while the song is being performed, so there's more to it than just wondering how long it will take.

Different prop bets will be available, like "Who will be shown first?" or "Will a word be forgotten?" or "Will any scoring drive take less time than the National Anthem?" These are just a few of the many different National Anthem prop bets you can find during the Super Bowl.

Here are some examples of the possible National Anthem prop bets that can be found right here.

Will a scoring drive be shorter than the National Anthem?

  • Yes -250
  • No +185

Will there be a word in the National Anthem that gets forgotten or left out?

  • Yes +625
  • No -1300

What will the duration of the National Anthem be in Super Bowl 57?

  • Over 1 minute 27 seconds -115
  • Under 1 minute 27 seconds -115

Wardrobe For National Anthem

  • White +200
  • Yellow +300
  • Gold +300
  • Blue +350
  • Black +350
  • Red +400

Total Number of Jets Used During National Anthem Flyover – Super Bowl 57

  • Over 4.5 Aircraft -115
  • Under 4.5 Aircraft -115

Past National Anthem Singers, Times, and Background Info

It's hard to say there's been much of a trend in the last several years. Over has struck five times, the Under has struck five times, and there was a single push since 2010.

* Build a Cart with the info below

Performer – Super Bowl - Projected Time - Actual Time – Bet O/U Result

  1. Mickey Guyton - Super Bowl LVI - 1:35 - 1:51 – Over
  2. Jazmine Sullivan/Eric Church - Super Bowl LV - 2:00 - 2:16 – Over
  3. Demi Lovato - Super Bowl LIV - 2:00 - 1:49 – Under
  4. Gladys Knight - Super Bowl LIII - 1:54 - 2:01 – Over
  5. Pink Super - Bowl LII - 2:00 - 1:52 - Under
  6. Luke Bryan - Super Bowl LI - 2:09 - 2:04 - Under
  7. Lady Gaga - Super Bowl 50 - 2:21 - 2:22 – Over
  8. Idina Menzel - Super Bowl XLIX - 2:02 - 2:04 - Over
  9. Renee Fleming - Super Bowl XLVIII - 2:23 - 2:03 – Under
  10. Alicia Keys - Super Bowl XLVII - 2:15 - 2:36 – Over
  11. Kelly Clarkson - Super Bowl XLVI - 1:34 - 1:34 – Push
  12. Christina Aguilera - Super Bowl XLV - 1:54 - 1:53 – Under
  13. Carrie Underwood - Super Bowl XLIV - 1:41 - 1:47 – Over
  14. Jennifer Hudson - Super Bowl XLIII - 2:04 - 2:10 – Over
  15. Jordin Sparks - Super Bowl XLII - 1:47 - 1:54 – Over
  16. Billy Joel - Super Bowl XLI - 1:44 - 1:30 – Under
  17. Aaron Neville and Aretha Franklin - Super Bowl XL - N/A - 2:08 - N/A
  18. Military Academy Choirs and the Amy Herald Trumpets - Super Bowl XXXIX - N/A - 1:52 - N/A
  19. Beyoncé - Super Bowl XXXVIII - N/A - 2:08 - N/A
  20. Dixie Chicks - Super Bowl XXXVII - N/A - 1:36 - N/A
  21. Mariah Carey - Super Bowl XXXVI - N/A - 1:56 - N/A
  22. Backstreet Boys - Super Bowl XXXV - N/A - 1:50 - N/A
  23. Faith Hill - Super Bowl XXXIV - N/A - 2:01 - N/A
  24. Cher - Super Bowl XXXIII - N/A - 1:55 - N/A
  25. Jewel - Super Bowl XXXII - N/A - 1:27 - N/A
  26. Luther Vandross - Super Bowl XXXI - N/A - 1:53 - N/A
  27. Vanessa Williams - Super Bowl XXX - N/A - 1:35 - N/A
  28. Kathie Lee Gifford - Super Bowl XXIX - N/A - 1:40 - N/A
  29. Natalie Cole - Super Bowl XXVIII - N/A - 2:33 - N/A
  30. Garth Brooks - Super Bowl XXVII - N/A - 1:45 - N/A
  31. Harry Connick, Jr. - Super Bowl XXVI - N/A - 2:06 - N/A
  32. Whitney Houston - Super Bowl XXV - N/A - 1:56 - N/A
  33. Aaron Neville - Super Bowl XXIV - N/A - 1:36 - N/A
  34. Billy Joel - Super Bowl XXIII - N/A - 1:25 - N/A
  35. Herb Alpert (trumpet) - Super Bowl XXII - N/A - 1:33 - N/A
  36. Neil Diamond - Super Bowl XXI - N/A - 1:02 - N/A
  37. Wynton Marsalis (trumpet) - Super Bowl XX - N/A - 1:20 - N/A
  38. San Francisco Boys/Girls Chorus, Children's Chorus, and Piedmont Children's Chorus - Super Bowl XIX - N/A - 1:21 - N/A
  39. Barry Manilow - Super Bowl XVIII - N/A - 1:35 - N/A
  40. Leslie Easterbrook - Super Bowl XVII - N/A - 1:28 - N/A
  41. Diana Ross - Super Bowl XVI - N/A - 1:38 - N/A
  42. Helen O'Connell - Super Bowl XV - N/A - 1:22 - N/A
  43. Cheryl Ladd - Super Bowl XIV - N/A - 1:22 - N/A
  44. The Colgate Thirteen - Super Bowl XIII - N/A - 1:19 - N/A
  45. Phyllis Kelly - Super Bowl XII - N/A - 1:28 - N/A
  46. Vikki Carr (sang America the Beautiful instead of the national anthem) - Super Bowl XI - N/A - N/A
  47. Tom Sullivan - Super Bowl X - N/A - 1:54 - N/A
  48. Grambling State University's Tiger Marching Band - Super Bowl IX - N/A - 1:22 - N/A
  49. Charley Pride - Super Bowl VIII - N/A - 1:14 - N/A
  50. Little Angels of Chicago's Holy Angels Church - Super Bowl VII - N/A - 1:12 - N/A
  51. U.S. Air Force Academy Chorale - Super Bowl VI - N/A - 1:10 - N/A
  52. Tommy Loy (trumpet) - Super Bowl V - N/A - 1:13 - N/A
  53. AL Hirt - Super Bowl IV - N/A - 1:26 - N/A
  54. Lloyd Geisler from the Washington National Symphony Orchestra - Super Bowl III - N/A - 1:27 - N/A
  55. GSU Tiger Marching Band - Super Bowl II - N/A - N/A
  56. Michigan Marching Band, The Pride of Arizona, and UCLA Choir - Super Bowl I - N/A - 1:16 - N/A 

Longest Performance At Super Bowl

  • Super Bowl 47. Alicia Keys, with a time of 2:35

Shortest Performance

  • Super Bowl 21. Neil Diamond with a time of 1:02.

Most Appearances

  • Marlee Matlin, (XXVII, XLI, and L)

Two time performers:

  • GSU Tiger Marching Band Super Bowl II and IX
  • Billy Joel Super Bowl XXIII and XLI
  • Aaron Neville Super Bowl XXIV and XL
  • U.S. Air Force Academy Chorale Super Bowl VI and XXXIX

How Does the Super Bowl National Anthem Betting Timing Work?

It's vital to know the timeline for this Super Bowl prop bet. Rules are pretty explicit about when they start and stop the national anthem timer for the Super Bowl.

The clock starts when the performer sings, "Oh say..." Time keeps running through every note until the performance ends. If a vocalist holds the note for many seconds, repeats the word, or keeps the performance going, the clock will keep running. Last-second additions and delays can trigger the over while the under is winning.

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