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Super Bowl LI Betting Tips - Brady Vs Ryan

Super Bowl LI Betting Tips - Brady Vs Ryan

The New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons will be bitter enemies come February 5 on the NRG Stadium football field where Super Bowl 51 will take place, but that doesn’t mean each team’s quarterbacks have no love for each other. In fact, Patriots’ QB, Tom Brady shared Monday morning that he “(has) a lot of respect for Matt. I like him a lot as a person, as a players, as a leader).

But, anyway, how do these two match up against each other? The answer is important because it may determine the game’s outcome. Or maybe not, as I’m about to detail.

Super Bowl LI Betting Tips - "Terrific" Tom Brady Vs Matty "Ice" Ryan

What: Super Bowl LI
Who: New England Patriots (14-2) vs Atlanta Falcons (11-5)
When: Sunday, February 5, 2017
Start Time: 6:30 PM ET  
Where: Houston, TX
Stadium: NRG Stadium
Spread: Patriots -3
Moneyline: New England -150 vs Atlanta +140
Game Total: 59.5
Watch: FOX Sports
Stream: Fox Sports Go
Listen: New England vs Atlanta

The Head-To-Head History

Prior to Super Bowl LI, these two have only competed against each other on two occasions. Both in 2009 and in 2013, Brady ended on top but gave Ryan a learning experience that he’s undoubtedly taken to Atlanta.

Fast-forward to today, and Ryan is having the best season of his career being the likely recipient of this year’s MVP, while for Brady more history awaits as the quarterback with the most Super Bowl starts along with the many accolades he’s deservedly received in his 17 seasons played.

Tom Brady

There’s no disputing who’s the king of quarterbacks in the NFL. Though Ryan will likely be this year’s MVP, Brady reigns supreme through a historic career comparable, if not far better, than famed quarterbacks the likes of Dan Marino, Joe Montana, Roger Staubach, John Elway and the few others that can lay claim to have done what Brady has accomplished.

Brady may be at the tail end of his career, but if he does lead the Patriots to another Super Bowl title, he’ll have set the league record for victories by a quarterback and five titles will adorn his wall of fame. He’s also playing as good football as always, in fact, his 384 yards on Sunday against Pittsburgh was a career high for a playoff game.

Matt Ryan

If the Falcons win the Super Bowl, it’ll be Matt Ryan’s first true football title ever. And, Ryan’s made this his year; according to Elias Sports Bureau, he’s thrown for more passing yards in his career (37,701) than any other QB that’s made his first start in the Super Bowl.

And, these aren’t even the numbers that might be more revealing. This season, Matt Ryan has passed for 1,390 more yards than Tom Brady and 12.8 more yards per game. He’s also thrown for 10 more touchdowns albeit with five more interceptions. In terms of passing efficiency, Ryan has a higher completion percentage at 69.9% in comparison to Brady’s 67.4 percent.

Brady Vs Ryan - Who Will Win Super Bowl 51

As mentioned elsewhere in the world of football, we probably haven’t seen a quarterback matchup as such in at least three decades. In the Falcons’ win over the Packers, Matt Ryan proved he’s earned his salt. As for Brady, he’s on the verge of making history and there’s no denying his capabilities to far surpass any mark that’s out there. In the end, we can all lay claim that we’ll be there to watch how it all unfolds and perhaps tell our children of how two football titans left it all on the field in Super Bowl LI.

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